Comments on: Spectators at the Tour de France Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Al-Bo Fri, 26 Jul 2013 06:52:36 +0000 All I can ever think when I see them is how I feel when I’m going up a steep incline. In all the pain, small things can seem impossibly annoying, like a car that won’t overtake me because the road’s too narrow and there’s a blind corner. Really, it’s perfectly responsible, thoughtful behaviour, but in that emotional state, it drives me mental.

If a drunk, sprinting pedestrian were to nudge me sideways while I was in that kind of an emotional state, I can’t imagine just how much I’d hate them. There just seems to be a complete lack of empathy with the riders.

By: Hurumph Sun, 21 Jul 2013 09:59:51 +0000 There have been some truly horrendous sights at the TdF – all male and all probably drunk, as you say. I dislike the “mooning” at the camera though, God knows, I have thought it funny to do in the past! Perhaps I’m too old?

But all of those mankini’ed ugly men can be forgiven – perhaps – if they were able to keep the over-enthusiastic idiot fans out of the cyclists way! They infuriate me with their selfish desire to slap the poor cyclists on their backs, or flag waving in the face/wheel/gears/chain. The photographers seem to think it is acceptable to squat in the race line for a photo and that the cyclist will go around them. I think the cyclists should fit blades to their hubs a la ‘Ben Hur’ chariot racers

Yep, I must be too old.
