Comments on: Questions on Cycle Training Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lee Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:07:52 +0000 Thank you so much for your time and effort on answering those questions. I have started to alternate training days. One day I’ll spin on my rides at between 90 and 100 rpm the session I tend to use a high gear with cadence about 70-80rpm ensuring I don’t take my heart rate to high (if poss). When I use a high gear low cadence I do feel a burn. I’ll change that to as you suggest very high gear (low cadence – perhaps 40-50rpm). That should do the trick…..Thank you

By: Amoeba Thu, 10 Feb 2011 07:02:05 +0000 Surely, the best exercise would be cycling, but cycling-plus. That way one guarantees the appropriate muscle groups are exercised.

I have seen (somewhere) a bicycle trailer loaded with a concrete block, employed for exactly this purpose.

I use a trailer and especially when loaded it takes considerably more effort to get it moving and to pull it up hills. I would have thought that power and stamina training could involve a loaded bicycle trailer, or one could even be very thrifty and drag a car tyre on a rope.
