Comments on: Traffic Lights – Rules and Common Sense Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pipps Mon, 04 Apr 2011 18:54:16 +0000 There are numerous statutory criminal offences for driving with disregard for the safety of cyclists – ‘driving without due care and attention’ is one of them. The Highway Code is completely irrelevant. So whenever a motorist causes me any significant danger, I make a note of the vehicle registration and make a phone call to the police shortly after the event. It is my civic duty as a fellow road user to report dangerous driving to the police.

I must also say that in my city, this happens incredibly rarely. I signal and thank motorists frequently, and they seem to be remarkably conscientious in avoiding disturbing me. However, I never stop at red lights and I see nothing wrong with this – I have never once done so in a way which affects any motor vehicle or pedestrian. Sure, I occasionally receive ‘beeps’ of approval from drivers. I simply take these as compliments that they have noticed little old me going about my business. I usually wave back in friendly recognition. Nothing like a friendly smile to take the wind out of a busybody’s sails!

Nonetheless, running a red light is still a strict liability offence. However, I take care not to transgress whenever I can see a pair of constables within sight.

By: Lewis Mon, 04 Apr 2011 17:29:25 +0000 While the Highway Code states that road users should give cyclists plenty of room when over taking, it is a “should” not a “MUST” and therefore isn’t a law and has criminal no offence linked to it. If it were a law, or if the Highway Code rules were enforced in a similar way to laws, motorists might care more about it. But generally I see it as a totally selfish disregard for someone else’s personal safety. Every day I see road users violate rules and laws of the roads, some of them so easy to follow, out of impatience, laziness or a lack of thought and courtesy for anyone that is not themselves. It’s a shame.
