The Cycling Post

The Cycling Post is an online magazine, produced every month. It is focused on the British racing season – everything from European road racing to timetrialling and cyclocross. If you have an interest in British cycling, check out The Cycling Post

It seems a great venture, with a lot of enthusiasm put into it. I hope it is a success; it certainly deserves a bit of support.

Them were the days of paper and pencil – before the digital age.

OK, it’s not quite the same excitement to see your name on a digital screen as it is to be published in Cycling Weekly, (which you can see in W.H.Smith’s during your lunch break). But, Cycling Weekly are notoriously unreliable at covering the less glamorous aspects of British Cycling. I’m sure they are doing their best to survive the digital age, but they  do have a habit of putting Top 10 Sportive rides of Cheshire above the much more important and exciting news that Tejvan Pettinger finished 2nd out of 40 starters, in a time of 56.16, in the 23 mile Banbury Star Riders hilly time trial, run in freezing snow.

I really don’t see how anyone would prefer to read an article on the importance of pacing yourself at the start of a 200 mile sportive, rather than see a list of times by people you’ve never met.

Cycling Post, is not all results though. It has some excellent interviews and articles. It even has a feature from P.J. of Traumradfahren fame – if he is not careful he could end up as a cycling journalist. Writing on ‘When Does Your Season start?

“...The cycling season is now gearing up, rattling across the cogs with a swift flick of the lever and moving into the big ring as the fast events loom on the horizon. Most riders are now emerging from a brief winter hibernation, blinking and confused as they contemplate how to unseize the drivetrain on a  bike that has been sat in the shed since the last race in October…”

BTW: I think I fall into that category of annoyingly enthusiastic early starter who gets withdrawal symptoms at the end of the hill climb season in October.

Otley CC 10 Mile Time Trial

Talking of exciting British cycling news, today was my first 10 mile time trial. I travelled all the way to Yorkshire (for Circuit of the Dales tomorrow), not for the superfast Hull course, but a standard dual-carriageway course near Thirsk, run by my first cycling club – Otley CC.

  • The first 5 miles was headwind all the way. I averaged 41.2 Kph into headwind.
  • On the way back, I averaged just under 54 kph for the 5 miles back – That was fun and a made good use of my new investment of a 56 Chainring.

I finished 1st in a time of 21.00


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