Comments on: An attempt to slow down traffic in Oxford Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Sat, 22 Jun 2013 15:47:17 +0000 As Tricycklist has stated, its pretty much the same where I live in Cornwall. After years of asking for some traffic calming method on our road because its straight and the 30mph limit is always ignored, the council installed a flashing 30mph sign, but it makes no difference.

A speed camera could not be installed because of the cost. Apparently the camera and installation would have been about £75,000, that was ok, but because of E.U. regs, to notify the different authorities, motoring groups, police, ambulance etc., that would cost a further £250,000.

People today have no patience, how many times we see on our Sunday a.m. club ride, cars cutting us up or speeding past us with surf boards on the roof rack because there pleasure is far more urgent than ours.

By: Tricycklist Sat, 22 Jun 2013 07:23:00 +0000 The only truly democratic, totally unavoidable, speed reducers are seriously steep sided humps the full width of the road. Or (even better) multiple asymmetric mushroom humps at frequent but irregular intervals. These actually work well.

Even when the sociopaths accelerate as hard as possible between these “irritating obstructions” their overall speed is much reduced.

“Decorating” the road surface with paint, signs, mild or pretend humps, noisy concrete cobbles, posts, boards, road narrowing measures and chicanes, etc. do absolutely nothing to reduce traffic speeds in the real world. I see all of these pretend measures to illegal driving behaviour on my daily rides, and drives, in Denmark. They do not work. At all.

Regulars and locals will always practice pushing their maximum speed over any new traffic calming “impediments” to their illegal progress. Once past the know obstacle their behaviour returns immediately to the illegal and insane. Shopping streets, schools, nurseries and hospitals mean nothing to the vast majority of drivers. Their own need to break the law by speeding is far greater than the public’s right to survival.

Every village and town in Denmark is “protected” by large speed indicator boards and flashing orange lights. These boards are totally ignored by well over 90% of all drivers. They do not work. At all.

Only serious discomfort and a very high risk of damage to their own vehicle will ever reduce driving speeds. Only vicious humps and mushrooms work on the vast majority of driving sociopaths. They work. Every time.

When 90% of drivers in Denmark speed illegally, 90% of the time, then present traffic calming measures are a completely transparent fraud. Or a very old and very tired joke which everyone gets.

So don’t bother sending any imitating “road design engineers” over on a jolly spree, at taxpayer’s expense, to examine how the imitation, Danish road calming measures work. They don’t work. At all. Period.

Nor will they work anywhere else.
