Comments on: Doping questions – It’s not about Froome Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Thu, 18 Jul 2013 08:07:59 +0000 I would have thought that if anyone was going to be found out for drug taking, then this Tour would have been the one to find them. I would imagine that all of there samples would have the most exacting tests carried out on them, three times over if need be.

But some people can just do it, some people have “class”. An interesting programme on the t.v. last year showed that they can now tell how fit you can become by you D.N.A.

But we have two guys in our club, one younger and one older than me, 57 and 62, both of them have completed Ironman triathlons (swim 2.5 mile, cycle 112 mile and then run a marathon) in under 11 hours, should I accuse them of taking Anabolic Steroids.
