Comments on: Processed Sugar in the Diet Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simon E Sat, 16 Jun 2012 10:12:53 +0000 The influence of processed food high in sugar and sweet drinks is being examined like never before. Fat has been hailed as the big enemy until recently but its effect on us appears to be less insiduous and damaging than sugar.

It seems that the sugar ‘highs and lows’ do prompt people to crave sweetness and so eat more than they otherwise would so it’s no surprise that ignoring it takes some willpower as well as careful meal planning! However, I think it can help you feel more stable and resist overeating.

I don’t think anyone would suffer from giving up sweet processed foods for a while, so why not give it a try? You can always go back to your old habits if you want or indulge yourself now and then, but there is truth in the phrase: “You are what you eat”.
