Comments on: Imbalance between right leg and left leg Cycling info - advice and tips Fri, 20 Dec 2013 10:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: sm Fri, 01 Feb 2013 08:53:18 +0000 I think I have (hopefully, had) this problem too, with pain in the left knee. The pain would come after long hard efforts and, until I read this post, I never thought it could have been an imbalance of strength, but it’s a logically theory. I tweaked and tweaked the bike set-up but nothing could shift the dull aching pain in the knee.

And then I bought a fixed gear which I ride with a pretty tough gear ratio. The knee pain has since disappeared. I leave my left leg clipped in at the many traffic light stops during my commute, so I’m always pushing the big gear from a standing start using my left leg first. Perhaps this has strengthened it somewhat, along with riding fixed too of course.
