Slow Recovery

After four weeks my knee eased off a little over weekend. Today, I managed a timid 12 miles, not placing much pressure on right leg. After four weeks off, it felt good to get out on racing bike. I’m hopeful this is it. The weather is very good at moment so I’m really keen to get back cycling. It’s fine having more time for other things, but it’s hard to beat cycling.

I did consider paying for a private MRI scan if it didn’t clear up. But, as there is noticeable improvement I’ll save my £500 until I’m convinced its serious and long term.

Apparantely, an MRI scan is best way of finding what’s going on in knee and definitely makes it easier to diagnose.

Does taking glucosamine for four weeks help? no idea.

2 Responses to Slow Recovery

  1. pj March 23, 2011 at 9:15 pm #

    take it steady, and fingers crossed.

  2. Tacky March 23, 2011 at 2:26 pm #

    Recovering just in time for the good weather!
    I’ve been trying out glucosamine since you mentioned it, my knee pain has gone. Admittedly a sample of one doesn’t prove anything.

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