Photos of Cycle Commuters


Cycling news has been overshadowed this week by two crashes to famous cyclists – first Bradley Wiggins knocked over by a van, then Shane Sutton in an accident on the A6. I can’t think of much to add apart from I hope cyclists get better, and I hope people become inspired to take more care when using the roads – Cycling is still relatively safe, but it could still be much safer. (how dangerous is cycling?). However, standing around in Oxford, I saw no accidents and just one near miss – and that was a white van driving around a parked bicycle with 1 cm to spare.

Joining Magdalen roundabout. Potentially dangerous as there are several turn offs. The chalk writing on the side of the road says ‘Google know where you live’ – a play by some local actors.


Orange does stand out more than dark green.


It’s great when there is a cycle path to get through congestion.


The Magdalden roundabout and the Ballroom in background.


Keeping warm.


Moped and push bike. Looks like a Pashley.

Colour co-ordination.

Standing cool.

He’s off to deliver a letter.

Close shave Grommit.

Nice autumn morning.


early morning coffee – part of the commute

Cycling in Oxford


Cycling Oxford

in the wet

Cycling on High Street Oxford

Nice tie

Cycling Oxford

Cycling Oxford

Looking cool despite being surrounded by buses.

Cycling Oxford


Cycling Oxford

Even cyclists can get stuck in a jam.

You can carry anything on a bike.



4 Responses to Photos of Cycle Commuters

  1. Josh November 9, 2012 at 10:18 pm #

    This is the first blog I’ve ever followed, I love cycling, statistics and Oxford!

    Thanks for your time.

  2. John Gallagher November 9, 2012 at 12:56 pm #

    I wonder why the chap carrying the letter in his hand didn’t use his pannier to carry it – or bother to close the pannier …

  3. Dave November 9, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

    Its interesting looking at the commuting cyclists that only a few wear helmets and even less wear yellow or orange jackets. I wonder why they dont just wear a florescent bib or waistcoat as you stand out far more, and with reduced daylight and dismal weather anything that helps motorists spot you has to be good.

    • John November 9, 2012 at 2:59 pm #

      Because an orange jacket won’t help anyone who isn’t looking, or who saw you and decided to go anyway – and that covers most motorists.

      I’ve had two crashes. The first one the lady failed to see me, my lights, my St George’s flag (at her eye level) or the 6 foot long streamers in various primary colours above that. The other driver saw me, and he admitted it, and decided to drive at me on the wrong side of the road anyway!

      Not all cars are bright orange (if they were then drab green would stand out well) but we manage not to bump into them…

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