Some Features of Cycling in Amsterdam Nobody wears helmets. Often more than one person on a bike. Many bikes have been converted to trailers for children, dogs and equipment Bikes colourful but generally low tech, simple gear mechanisms for essentially flat roads. There are an estimated 800,000 bikes in Amsterdam. Huge range of people […]

Cars Turning Left Cyclists Going Straight on
One of the most dangerous situations whilst cycling is being overtaken by a car which then immediately turns left. (note this is in UK where we drive on left in other countries it is applicable for being on right hand side.) It creates the potential for a serious accident and many car drivers are unaware […]
David Cameron Caught Cycling Through Red Light
Conservative leader David Cameron has apologised after being photographed cycling through red lights and the wrong way down a one way street. “I know it is important to obey traffic laws – but I have obviously made mistakes on this occasion and I am sorry,” There is a video at this BBC of David Cameron’s […]
Awareness Test for Cyclists
Interesting video here. It is made by Transport for London and seeks to highlight how easy it can be for people to miss obvious things. Will resonate with most cyclists who invariably will have heard the ‘sorry, I didn’t see you there in the middle of the road’
The Future of Cycling – Velo City Toronto?
Is this the future of cycling? Velo city in Toronto The city planners are building a series of cycling tunnels above roads, creating a network of enclosed cycle paths, not unlike the tube network. The advantage of this cycle tunnels are: No Cars Protection from the rain and weather No wind so less air resistance. […]

Anti Pollution Masks for Cycling
Evidence suggests that cyclists are likely to breathe in more pollution than any other road user. I’ve never really fancied the idea of wearing an anti pollution mask, even when commuting into town. The pollution is generally not too bad in Oxford. Although, if I get stuck behind several buses I can understand the attraction. […]
How Dangerous is Cycling at Night?
I came across this thought provoking post at Commute by Bike. – Dangers of Cycling at Night At the moment, in the UK, it starts to get darks from 3.30pm. Most of the time I am commuting in what could be termed ‘night’ or at least reduced visibility. There are a couple of reports which […]

Tips for Cycling Around Town
Cycling around Oxford with style 1. Bell. A good bell is indispensable for warning pedestrians about your presence. Once you have a bell, you will wonder how you ever managed without one. The problem is that most pedestrians are used to hearing traffic and so they don’t bother to look. If you shout at a […]
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- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Selected Posts
- 10 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
- Cycling, Negativity and How to enjoy the bike
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- 10 Reasons to Love Cyclists
- Cycling Facts
- Cycling and the Law
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- Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
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