Safety in Numbers
Safety in Numbers
It’s good to hear about this report which shows an increase in the number of kilometers cycled, combined with a decrease in the number of fatalities. CTC link It is always possible to draw many conclusions from statistics, but, this seems good news. Intuitively as a cyclist you feel there is ‘safety in numbers’ – Cycle in a place where a cyclist is a rarerity (e.g. NY) and it feels more dangerous than a place where cycling is more numerous.
This report certaintly backs up the global statistic (cycle rates by Country) showing a marked correlation between cycling rates and cycling fatalities.

safety numbers - CTC
From 2007 to 2008, cycling in the UK increased by 12%, at the same time as a substantial fall in cycling deaths, down from 136 to 115, the second lowest level ever, along with a very small increase of 1% in serious and slight injuries.
The good news is that there is potential for a momentum effect. If more cycle and it becomes safer, the more will be encouraged to cycle and it creates a virtuous circle.
There is a huge difference in cycle rates between different UK Cities.
Bradford has less than 0.5% of journeys taken by bike. It has a serious injury or fatality rate of 100 per 10,000 cycle journeys.
At the other end of the scale, York has a rate of 6% of journeys taken by bike. The serious injury or fatality rate falls to 20 per 10,000 cycle journeys.
I’m really enjoying the uptick in bikes on the street. I’m waiting to see if there is any real increase in Winter riders here in often snowy London Ontario Canada!
- Not without asking
- Not too close!
- Yes!
Commuting regularly 17 miles West to East through central London I can report a vast increase in the number of cyclists over the last two years, and I concur: because of the increased numbers my journeys have felt much safer – and are much more companiable and fun. There is quite a peloton on the Kings Road in the mornings this summer.
Ok, some commuter etiquette questions for you to opine on:
- is it OK to draft?
- if so, how close?
- if you find someone drafting off you, is it acceptable, at the next lights, to suggest he take a turn on the front?