Climbing the Rake In Lancashire, 25% gradient at its worst
Readers Question: What is the best way to climb a hill that is steep at first but near the top really eases off? I usually ease in on the less steep part and then attack the last part of the steep section but my speed dies on the less steep section:( Really enjoy the info:(from Cycling climbing techniques)
There are quite a few hills which start off steep and then ease off in the middle and top sections. Cheddar Gorge is a good example, I think its about 1 in 7 for first 500 metres before becoming a gentle gradient for the last 2 miles.
This coming week I’m racing on Norwood Edge hill Climb by Otley CC. Again this starts off with a 1 in 6, before flattening out to a shallow gradient for last mile.
Even with a conservative climb up the steep section, it becomes really hard to lift the speed on the flatter section. But, it is better to be like that that to die on the first section of the hill.
I think the only way is ride a measured climb on the really steep section. If you climb flat out, it can be agony over the remainder of the climb.
Firstly, you really want to ignore your speedometer, the important thing is your effort levels. I tend to think of hill climbs like a 4KM pursuit, you start off hard and slightly increase the effort to peak at the finish. If this means you go slow up the steep section, it isĀ better than burning out.
The real trick of climbing hills is staying at that threshold level where your legs are hurting, but you aren’t pushing yourself into an unsustainable oxygen debt – you can save that bit for the last 1 minute. You can’t see measure this effort level from a computer, even a heart rate monitor is tricky. It can only come through practise and trying to listen to your body.
My time trial season finished with a win in the West London Cycling Association 10 mile Time trial near Newbury. on the slow H10/3A I finished in 21.47.
My training is geared to the hill climbs now. I generally prefer hills with constant gradients so I often go to the A40 near Stokenchurch. I was pleased because yesterday I reduced my pb on the hill to 5.04 at an average speed of 19mph. That kind of climb is great fun, I was in the 53 outer ring all the way up.
This weekend I have 3 hill climb races 2 in Otley and 1 in the Trough of Bowland. Tower Hill 1.6 miles, course record 7 mins 22 secs.
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