White Van Driver


Sometimes you can’t win whatever you do.

I was cycling fairly slowly around Oxford, overtaking a couple of girls on their town bikes. The pedestrian light turned red, so I stopped at the lights (there was actually no pedestrians using the crossing. but, I like to follow all the rules of the road)

Because I was overtaking the slow cyclists, I was a few feet from the curb in the middle of the narrow left hand lane.

After waiting at the lights a few seconds, the angry white van drove up and screeched to a halt a few mms from my right shoulder – even when cars don’t hit you, you feel your nerves frayed when they get so close. He proceeded to wind down his window and shout ‘****** what do you think bike lanes are for?”

I was too dumbfounded to say anything, the lights soon changed and he sped off – soon exceeding the 20mph limit and probably crossing over into the so called bike lane.

It does make me think bike lanes can be a curse as much as a help. But, then maybe the problem is not whether there are bike lanes are not, but, drivers attitude. If people insist on being unreasonable, they can probably do it however roads / bike lanes are designed.

But, it isn’t the first time I’ve been shouted at for not using a bike lane. I was cycling near Long Hanborough on the road with 40mph speed limit, another van driver had a go at me for not using a ‘bike lane’ To be honest, it never even crossed my mind to use the pavement – which I later learnt actually had a bike path sign on. Undoubtedly if I used the ‘pavement’ I would have far more pedestrians shouting at me for cycling too fast. So if it’s a choice between annoying unreasonable drivers and annoying pedestrians I will have stick to the road.

There is nothing you can do except never feel guilty for the impatience and unreasonableness of other road users.

9 Responses to White Van Driver

  1. Kip February 16, 2011 at 9:07 pm #

    Stories like this disgust me.

    Try shouting this:


  2. James July 9, 2010 at 10:40 am #

    There are nice road users and there are neanderthals (who also ride bikes).

    You see, in neanderthal languages abusive behaviour meant that he actually liked you and was saying hello :P

  3. Peter July 3, 2010 at 4:31 pm #

    Maybe I’ve been cycling for too long, I have automatic responses to all the stupid comments drivers shout. The answer to this one is.

    “Even the department for Transport recommends not using bike lanes if you intend to travel at any reasonable pace”


    Ypou could always shout back “what do you think lunatic asylums are for?!” :)

  4. David October 21, 2009 at 12:55 pm #

    In the UK there is no obligation to use a cycle path. I only use them where they provide me with an overall benefit (in terms of safety, speed of travel, etc).

    I once got shouted at (for not using a cycle path) by a car passenger who turned out to be a driving instructor giving a lesson! What a terrible example to set to his student.

  5. John Girvin October 21, 2009 at 12:30 pm #

    Some drivers just don’t like sharing the road and will use any excuse to vent at cyclists as they are easy targets. If there was no cycle lane there he’d probably just have shouted something else!

  6. Lee Hall October 21, 2009 at 7:46 am #

    Having started to read this blog (which by the way is fantastic thank you) my attitude to cycling to work has changed somewhat. No longer do I use footpaths I use the road, and cycle paths. However I pick and choose the cycle paths I use, Why? well, everyday I use a cycle path there are cars parked on them they should not be there but its never policed, so its better to use the road so I dont have to swith to a footpath. Also it is so unsafe when on a cycle path with side roads joining a main road the give way or stop line is always at the main road junction not the cycle crossing point. So each time a side road approaches as a cyclist I have to slow down and check for approaching cars, if i’m on the main road I can keep going and traffic joining the main road have to giveway to me, and I feel much safer. If only other road users would read this blog, they might even understand our issues.


  1. Sharing the Road | Cycling UK - August 18, 2010

    [...] White Van Driver [...]

  2. Shared Use Paths | Cycling UK - July 8, 2010

    [...] to reader Peter (comment from White Van Driver) , for this link to some DFT guidelines for using cycle [...]

  3. Perspective of A Motorist | Cycling UK - November 10, 2009

    [...] have written frequently about the frustrations, joys and fears of a cyclist. Dealing with White Van Drivers – Dealing with road rage e.t.c. So I thought it would be interesting to write from a [...]

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