A Christmas Break


There’s never a good time to get a cold. But, to be honest, I was rather glad to have a good excuse to not go cycling in past two weeks. I was spending Christmas with family in Yorkshire, and the roads were pretty bad. Anyway, a two week break is no bad thing at this time of year. Blogging will also be resuming after Christmas break.

2 Responses to A Christmas Break

  1. pj January 6, 2010 at 10:08 pm #

    i had a break too. started back on monday properly, and now this!

  2. Nigel Hunter January 5, 2010 at 12:25 am #

    Thanks for the photos Tejvan. I especially like the second one of stone houses and snow.

    They conjure up in my mind log fires and good old beef stew to eat after a good days ride.

    Thanks Mate

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