Personal Bests in Time Trials

(Not a time trial course, I took it whilst cycling in Otley recently)

Time trials are mostly about getting better times. Some riders become a bit obsessive about personal bests ‘pbs’ and spend a lot of their time travelling to ‘fast courses’ where they have a better chance of getting a personal best. I’ve never really seen the attraction of this and prefer to do local courses. For each course, I’m trying to beat my course best, taking into account factors like traffic volumes wind e.t.c.

About five years ago I did a 21.00 on the Bentley bypass (A31) or (the H10/8 in timetrialling jargon). This is a good time for the course which could be described as ‘rolling’.

Anyway, after doing a 21.00 -  the goal then is to always ride a ’20′. This year I rode the course, and got very close with another 21.00 or ’21 dead’ as we say in the jargon. (though it does somehow seem an unfortunate expression – cycling a ’21 dead’.

Two weeks later, I had another shot at the course, I made an even greater effort, the wind was lighter and I went backwards finishing with 21.16.

After a few weeks of training for 100 mile time trials, I wasn’t sure how I’d do in this Saturdays 10 – organised by Barry Tooke of North Hampshire CC (BTW: nice to meet you Barry and thanks for organising race)

It was a tough first leg into the wind. But, after the turn it was really fast on the way back, often doing 33-38mph. Towards the end I was looking at my timer, it was going to be close. Going past the finish line, I glanced down 20.59! I’d done it. Very happy, I go back to the HQ to see the official time given as 21.00. (I guess Official time more accurate than using your bike computer)

So another 21.00 dead for the Bentley bypass course.

This is the thing about racing, sometimes you can make huge efforts and go slower or seem to stay still.

After a fourth place last year, and good training and preparation, Bradley Wiggins probably thought he had a good chance this year. But, that’s cycling. Sometimes things just don’t click. You can’t always get better.

But, I have another few chances this year to go under 21. That will satisfy me for about 10 minutes before I start wanting to do a 19 on that course.

Sunday was the West London CA 50 mile on the H50/4 near Great Missenden on A 413. I finished 1st in a time of 1.53.57. A good time for course. The event was held in conjunction with the Veteran Time Trials Association VTTA 50 mile. There were quite a few 70 year olds doing 50 miles in two hours and a quarter or less. I hope I’m that fit when I’m old!


Dealing with stagnant performance

4 Responses to Personal Bests in Time Trials

  1. tejvan July 21, 2010 at 6:57 am #

    To have a flat or to do a dead.

  2. Bike Noob July 21, 2010 at 2:58 am #

    In the States we would say, “21 flat.” Not much of an improvement over “21 dead.”

  3. tejvan July 19, 2010 at 8:49 pm #

    cheers Barry!

  4. Barry Tooke July 19, 2010 at 2:31 pm #

    Well done on your second place in my ’10′ Tejvan – and on winning the 50 the next morning! Hope to see you again next year to get that 20 minute ride in ;-)

    (You made a slight typo with my name)
    Regards – Barry Tooke – North Hampshire RC

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