February training went reasonably well. I was able to do about 500-600 miles. Not a huge amount, but, enough to get reasonably fit. In the past couple of weeks I have started to do my first tentative interval training. Nothing at peak effort, but, a bit to get accustomed to the shock of racing. In the next few weeks, I will do some 10 mile race sessions. These are preliminary race training events. I usually don’t have the motivation or fitness to go flat out. But, it makes it less daunting doing your first race, when you have a few ‘mock’ races under your belt. I often like to choose some hilly courses. If I do a proper 10 mile time trial I just get depressed as I struggle to do something under 25 minutes.
Towards the end of the month I hope to do my first races, probably hilly time trials in the local area.
The Procycling season has got under way. Amongst other races that interest me include:
- The Tour of California
- Het Volk semi classic
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