David Cameron Caught Cycling Through Red Light

Conservative leader David Cameron has apologised after being photographed cycling through red lights and the wrong way down a one way street.

“I know it is important to obey traffic laws – but I have obviously made mistakes on this occasion and I am sorry,”

There is a video at this BBC of David Cameron’s cycling exploits 

It’s easy to condemn David Cameron for breaking the law. But, I’d like to see the Daily Mirror follow other MPs driving. I bet they would catch quite a few MPs, doing the naughty side of ninety….

Of course, it is wrong to break the law and I think an MP will be looked upon a role model. But, I do have some sympathy with David Cameron, he wasn’t putting anyone’s life in danger. London’s roads are very difficult to negotiate for cyclists.

In most other countries it is not illegal to cycle the contrary direction of a one way street.

These days I always stop at red lights, although I have to admit if there’s a pedestrian crossing and no one’s there I hardly think it’s a big crime to cycle slowly through.

2 Responses to David Cameron Caught Cycling Through Red Light

  1. basil mcready March 21, 2008 at 2:26 pm #

    he has form on this, i’ve read about similar stuff in the other papers. both the evening standard and the observer have carried such stories before


  1. Cycling through Red Lights. | Cycling UK - June 19, 2008

    [...] David Cameron caught cycling through red lights [...]

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