Dealing with Injury

Lake District
When you get the cycling bug and get into a flow of training, it’s pretty hard when it comes to a shuddering halt because of some, even minor, injury. I find I have to lose some enthusiasm for cycling, at least for racing and training. If you maintain tremendous eagerness, then it becomes very frustrating. I tend to find myself being absorbed in other things to fill the gap left by cycling 10-15 hours a week.

Being laid off the bike, is not entirely without its rewards, sitting in a nice coffee shop, taking the odd photograph, can seem worryingly attractive compared to slogging 70 miles along the busy British roads, with typical British winter weather. You also find your less tired. You find yourself thinking, what’s the big deal? this non-cycling lark is not so bad after all.

But, then I was limping along to a coffee shop last week, when a group of Team Zappi cyclists cycled past. Somehow seeing a few cyclists on their sleek racing machines, gets the heart beating. You know deep down you’re missing our on something you really want to be doing; limping around 2 miles on one leg just can’t compare to hammering yourself around the hills of Oxfordshire.

I know there’s cross training, I could join the local swimming pool and do weights, but I can’t say I’m that desperate just yet. For the moment, I think I’ll stick to visiting a few coffee shops and taking some photos….

One Response to Dealing with Injury

  1. vilas March 2, 2011 at 11:42 am #

    Hey Tejvan

    Sorry to hear that you´re a bit crocked. It will go, in time. Although when you´re in the middle of being injured it can feel like eternity. Distractions are a great idea. Watching sports events usually makes it worse for me, as I want even more to be out there. One of my favourite distractions is to watch comedies. Bill Bailey is a current favourite, for example:

    All the best

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