Cyclists and Motorists


A few weeks ago, I posted about Cycle helmet cameras, after seeing ta BBC video. Since then I’ve often been conscious of all the videos I could have produced if I had been wearing a cycle helmet camera.

You see all kinds of crazy things on the road. I’m sure quite a few could have been hits on youtube.

There is a tendency in the media to develop a cyclist v motorist v pedestrian mentality. Cyclists good, motorists bad – or vice versa depending on your point of view.

I find this tiresome, there is nothing about getting a car or bike that makes you a responsible or bad road user. People who cycle on the wrong side of the road, are the same people capable of driving on the wrong side of the road.

Motorists   who rail against cyclists breaking the highway code, will probably be breaking the highway code themselves (speedlimits seem to be broken with more impunity that even smug cyclists going through red lights).

I spend considerable time driving and cycling. I have seen people on bikes do stupid things which are irritating as a driver. I have also seen cars do very stupid things.

If there is one difference it is that you feel cars have the capacity to do much more damage. When a car driver doesn’t pay any attention because he’s speaking on his mobile phone, you feel he could easily be breaking all your legs or worse. When a cyclist does something bad, it is frustrating but generally there is less physical danger.

Generally, the 2,500 deaths are not caused by ‘lycra louts’ no matter how irresponsible they might be.

The hope is that all road users will become more considerate and seek to reduce the very high fatality rate that still occurs on UK roads.

Sometimes, cyclists on pavements, cyclists going through red lights, make a popular target. If people feel uncomfortable because people cycle too fast on the pavement, then it should be enforced. But, for every campaign to penalise irresponsible cycling, there should be a corresponding campaign to promote good driving.

If the police want to raise some money, they should just set up by  a set of lights and fine people talking on their phones whilst driving.

If you only drive or if you only ever cycle or if you only walk, you gain a perspective from your point of view. But, when you do all three, you don’t see how you can lump people together by mode of transport.


Bad Cyclists and bad motorists

2 Responses to Cyclists and Motorists

  1. Cycle Assist March 3, 2011 at 2:00 pm #

    Cool website, just stumbled upon it now and read this article.

    I also hate the ongoing arguments between cyclists and motorists and agree that vehicles have the capacity to do much more damage.

    I’d like to suggest a link exchange with your blog if you’d be interested?

    Please email me if you are, thanks!


  2. Tacky March 3, 2011 at 11:07 am #

    There’s definitely a problem with helmet cams producing loads of them vrs us footage that I don’t think is useful to anyone.
    I was thinking of getting one and uploading footage of drivers over taking and leaving plenty of room etc, which to be honest is what happens most of the time. I don’t think it would be much of an internet hit though.

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