Car Free City Centres

Queens Lane BlossomThe good life

I fear a report by an EU commissioner to phase out ‘petrol and diesel’ cars in city centres, could become as infamous as the EU’s plan to ban the bendy banana (never actually proposed) or ban the good old British sausage (because it only contained 20% of pigs brain rather than the EU recommended limit of 40%.)

The EU Commission have suggested:

“there needed to be a “profound shift” in travel patterns to reduce reliance on oil and to lower emissions from transport by 60% by 2050.”

“The Commission also hopes to “move close” to eliminating deaths by road accidents by 2050, halving current fatality rates by 2020.”

Cycling Oxford

For what it is worth, I think it is a great idea to remove cars from parts of the city centre. The reason is not primarily carbon emissions (though that is an added bonus) I’m sure by 2050, we would have the technology for green energy (if we don’t have it already)

The main advantage is that car-free zones can be really attractive and enjoyable.   It is very enjoyable to walk and cycle around parts of cities which have limited the all pervasive spread of the motor car.

A bit of walking, cycling and using public transport never did us any harm.

It is no coincidence the huge rise in obesity occurred at exactly the same time that there was a large rise in the use of cars. We have become too lazy to walk 0.3 miles to the fitness gym. Maybe it’s not laziness, perhaps its just because many people don’t feel safe travelling unless they are protected behind a sizeable 4WD.

If we make more areas car free people will be able to re-discover the joys of old fashioned methods of transport.

The optimal size of a car free zone is open to question. Exceptions can be made for disabled, deliveries e.t.c. But, if I was choosing a city to live in, I know what type I’d like to live in.

Also, the EU have an excellent aim to end road deaths.



4 Responses to Car Free City Centres

  1. Lewis April 3, 2011 at 5:29 pm #

    That’s true. There are not many cycle lanes in my town, and the few we do have are a joke. Too narrow, bad road surfaces, placed right next to car parking (door zone/blind spot disaster waiting to happen). Cars also often park in these lanes and I doubt the drivers ever get prosecuted.

    Car free zones in city/town centres can be a pain for motorists, but has several advantages. There are several roads in my town centre that are off limits to vehicles that aren’t taxis or buses and I think it’s great.

  2. velocipede2288 March 30, 2011 at 1:42 pm #

    It is a fine idea to ban cars from city centers, but we also need safe roads to get to the cities in the first place.And we are a long way off from doing that.

  3. tejvan March 30, 2011 at 6:38 am #

    Yes, the EU aren’t actually proposing to ban cars anyway – only petrol and diesel cars. But by 2050 will there be any oil left anyway? I’m sure by 2050 even Jeremy Clarkson will be driving an electric car.


  1. American v European Perspectives on Cycling | Cycling UK - July 24, 2011

    [...] love their cars. Europeans are happy to contemplate car free city centres / pedestrian areas. But, it would be hard to see a US Politician being able to survive suggesting [...]

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