Banana on the Bike

Cycling oxford
Banana on the Bike

For some reason whenever I go cycling, I instinctively think of carrying a banana to eat on the way. It’s a good food source, easy to fit in the back pocket. You can unzip and eat on the move and if it doesn’t get too squashed makes a nice change to other energy bars. You can even eat it as part of your breakfast on your commute into town.

Cycling oxford

Outside All Soul’s College

Cycling oxford

Over High Street

Cycling oxford

Team Zappi’s flying down High Street.

2 Responses to Banana on the Bike

  1. Amoeba May 8, 2011 at 8:21 am #

    Based upon the energy equivalent of a typical banana 114g = 108 Calories
    and the fact that a cyclist on a roadster travelling at 10 mph needs 62 Watts of power, I calculated that the cyclist could travel 20.2 miles on a typical banana. (Note: this assumes no energy used for metabolism, all energy is used in transport and bicycle related losses alone).

    One litre of petrol / gasoline 8314 kCal. energy equivalent, (I’m assuming most cyclists don’t drink petrol).
    gives 1558 miles per litre of petrol (see above for assumptions)

    E&OE (I hope I haven’t made an error. I did check my figures, I am relying heavily on the speed and power calculator for aerodynamics, rolling resistance, friction etc.

  2. Clipless Pedals May 7, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

    Another good post, alot of people do not think about food when out and about on their bike. People always seem to carry a water bottle but I find too often people seem to forget a quick energy boost in the form of food. Banana being one of my favourites aswell, filling a void and a kick of energy at the same time.

    Keep it up :)

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