Crazy Cycle Lanes

cycle path

In Oxfordshire, the council have introduced a lot of traffic calming measures, which invovle narrowing the road. The aim is to make cars slow down and therefore reduce the number of accidents. However, this particular design is a real pain for Cyclists. This is at the bottom of a steep hill running into Horspath, just outside the ring road. It means you have to come to a complete stop as cars are usually coming the other way. (You can see several cars behind). As an after thought there is supposed to be a cycle lane to the right of the bollard. But, as you can see, the cycle path is completely useless; certainly not something to be negotiated at 20mph.


I don’t know if you can see, but the path is all gravel. Making it impossible for a road bike. But, it is also so narrow and involves a sharp left turn, something you don’t want to do at 25mph.

I am not opposed to slowing down traffic; evidence suggests it does help to reduce fatalities. But, I wish planners would not completely ignore the cyclist. It would have been hard to design a cycle facility less useful; it could encourage cyclists to squeeze into the middle which would be dangerous.

Much better alternatives would have been to

  • Make sure the path was straight, narrow, well maintained and wide.
  • Use speed humps rather than narrowing road.
  • Use speed cameras.

Leave a comment if  you have any pictures of crazy bike lanes.

And if you want to see more, check out these crap bike lanes

Book CoverCrap Cycle Lanes at

Crap cycle lanes – facility of the month

10 Responses to Crazy Cycle Lanes

  1. tejvan July 24, 2008 at 6:25 pm #

    Thanks Jon! appreciated.

  2. Jon July 24, 2008 at 4:45 pm #

    Common Mistakes in Cycling
    11. Not looking far enough ahead and thus failing to anticipate the need to reduce speed.

    Though clearly the council have failed to maintain their road.

    Tejvan, using a spell checker would improve the blog and might make you some more money. Pannier links do not work and Dueter should be Deuter.

  3. Just Williams July 24, 2008 at 9:14 am #

    And it would all be so avoidable if our local authorities bothered to learn from best practice in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and elsewhere or looked at Prof. Pucher’s video with which all highway authorities ought be be thoroughly familiar by now or they are simply not doing their job.


  1. Shortest Cycle Lane? | Cycling UK - April 2, 2010

    [...] Crazy cycle lanes [...]

  2. Short Cycle Paths | Cycling UK - March 18, 2010

    [...] Often Short cycle paths are the butt of jokes – see this ridiculous example. They look like they have been painted into the road in order to meet some imaginary government target for increasing the number of bike lanes. Often these bike lanes are so short, it is doubtful whether you could actually get a tandem on the lane before it mysteriously disappears. See also this crazy bike lanes [...]

  3. The Smallest Cycle Lane | Cycling UK - December 6, 2009

    [...] seen some crazy cycle lanes in my time, but, this might have record of shortest bike lane. Not much use for a [...]

  4. Bad Cycle Lanes | Cycling UK - August 24, 2009

    [...] Crazy cycle lanes [...]

  5. Watch Out for Bikes! | Cycling UK - September 2, 2008

    [...] Crazy Bike Lanes [...]

  6. Bike Lane Madness — Cycling Review - August 19, 2008

    [...] Crazy Bike Lanes [...]

  7. How To Get More People Cycling | Cycling UK - August 1, 2008

    [...] cycle lanes are worse than no cycle lanes at all. (see: crazy cycle lanes) A good cycle lane is well maintained and actually improves safety. Cycle lanes which are separated [...]

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