Enjoying the Views for a Change

Last week, in between a few races, I was able to take it easy cycling through the Yorkshire Dales with enough time to enjoy the view.


There are sometimes, when cycling takes a definite backseat and you want to just enjoy the scenery. Last week, I had no specific training plan, just trying to recovery between two long races. With a sprinkling of snow, the Yorkshire Dales were looking extra special in the early spring. I stopped to take a few photos at various places. It was nice not to be worrying about average speeds / heart rates and just be like a tourist. Also, at this time of the year, the Yorkshire Dales roads are very quiet so that was an added bonus.



There is a short little climb out of Burnsall. At the top it gets quite steep, but it affords great views over Lower Wharfedale.
Yorkshire Dales

With views like this, you want to be able to keep stopping to take a photo.

Yorkshire Dales

The Yorkshire Dales, a special area.

It’s still hard work, no matter how nice a day.

Cycling Yorkshire Dales

Near Ilkley

Cycling Yorkshire Dales

Snow covered fells.
yellow ribble snow ilkely

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