Commuting and the Tour De France

I really enjoyed this video, commuting to work with commentary from the Tour de France. Very clever (good bit starts after first minute) I love the podium where he is given his ‘blue jersey’ of a doctor’s apron by two nurses.


The Real guide to Commuter racing

3 Responses to Commuting and the Tour De France

  1. Hurumph July 10, 2012 at 10:21 am #

    I enjoyed watching this but the Tour de France seems to have so much ‘in speak’ which is fine if you are in the ‘in’ group. I see lots of talk about GC contenders, for example, and had no idea what the in crowd were taking about. Can you point peope towards, or create a similar reference yourself?

  2. Jonathan July 3, 2012 at 12:06 pm #

    very funny – not like me at all of course hmmmm

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