Off to New York

I’m taking a short break from the warm and sunny climes of England to travel to New York. I won’t be taking a bike, though I do have a trusty 1981 Trek road bike over in US for a bit of training – It’s more battered and dinted than a Robin Reliant left for several years on Tottenham Court Road but it just about serves its purpose. I have quite a few articles on scheduled settings, so there will be posts.

Since last week’s 10 Mile TT, the focus of the season has taken a sharp change towards the hill climb season. I might write a guide to hill climb training on the plane. Though you could sum it up in 11 words:

‘ride up a hill until it hurts, really quite a lot’

In New York, I will be training on a lumpy outdoor velodrome and a very short 0.5km hill – the only places I feel vaguely safe to cycle in New York. It will be perfect place for trying out the pyramid interval training guide. Every cloud has it’s silver lining.

This week has been good for training. It was a real buzz doing a rare 100+ plus ride in the Lake District. I made another visit to the Rake on a trip from Yorkshire. I was hoping for rain and adverse weather conditions to make a good preparation for a rainy October day. But, the road was dry and  I had a roaring tailwind. I climbed the Rake in 2.40 – not bad for a training bike, but a time heavily massaged by the tailwind – a reminder it’s a really difficult climb.

As I’m off on holiday, I decided not to read this ‘Motoring magazine says cyclists are bad kind of thing‘ [road CC] It’s easy to get frustrated with this kind of thing, just bear in mind cycling is cool and it doesn’t cost 135p a litre. There is an article I wrote a while back – Motorists v Cyclists


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