Graeme Obree has always been one of my favourite riders. I admire many things about him. But, with the revelations of the extent of doping in cycling in the 1990s, you have to respect him even more. As Obree says of the drug culture in the sport at the time. “First time I go to […]

Even Tour Winners start with stabilisers
Guess who is this future world champion? Even future Tour winners need stabilisers to start off with. (By the way Me on my first bike a tricycle ) Interview from the Guardian: …Wiggins’s greatest regret is reserved for his family. Ask him if he enjoyed the Tour and he’ll tell you about the months away […]

Edge Cycle Works
Recently I went up to the Edge Cycle works in Lancaster to receive a cheque for breaking a course record at Jubilee Tower (6.57). It was nice to visit Scott and the staff at the Edge. They have an obvious interest and enthusiasm for cycling. It reminds me of the local bike shop (Ellis Briggs, […]

Training targets over Winter
It’s the first day of winter cycle training, and I had a crazy idea of going back to the Rake and having another go. That idea lasted all of about three seconds as I realised it doesn’t matter, and it’s time to take it easy. You’re supposed to finish the racing season tired and exhausted, […]

Quest for the Lightest Road Bike
Last year, I was racing at Burrington Combe, Jeff Jones picked up my hill climb bike and noted it was light, but not particularly light (it weighed 6.7 kg). That got me thinking of making bike much lighter. At the national championships in Whaley Bridge, I spoke to Jim Henderson about the desirability of a […]

David Millar – Racing through the dark – Review
During the USADA publication on US postal, I was hoping to hear some intelligent and progressive views from current professional cyclists on the issue of doping. Unfortunately, such views were pretty hard to come by, and some comments left you despairing for the future of cycling. However, one of the few who spoke quite intelligently […]

How to Ride Short Hill Climbs
A reader asked a question about short hill climbs. “I am managing the long ones ok but am getting completely thrashed on the short ones!” Short hill climbs just favour a different kind of build. And conversely, long hill climbs favour a different kind of rider too. For example, when racing a rider like Robert […]

Torque Paste / Grease
Torque paste is a simple grease which helps provide a better clamping action between different components on a bike. It is a simple grease with small plastic bearings within it. When you paste it onto a component like a handlebar it provides a greater friction and so reduces the amount of torque necessary to provide […]

Is Cycling Clean?
A few weeks ago, I made a promise to never again write on doping, the USADA investigation or he who must not be named. Well, that good intention didn’t last very long. It would be nice to say everyone stopped doping in 2012 and there was no reason to write anything again – but don’t […]
US Postal Doping Conspiracy
With regard to USADA’a publication on the US Postal doping conspiracy “The evidence shows beyond any doubt that the US Postal Service Pro Cycling Team ran the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen. ” – full report USADA I’m not sure which is the saddest part: The extent of […]

A Real Mix of Transport Modes on the Road
At this time of day (9.00am), bicyclists are the most common type of transport. Though cars still take up the the most space. There are quite a few buses sharing the road. Given how many people are on a bus, it’s hard to know whether more people enter the city by bus or by bicycle. […]
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results from today October 27, 2013
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Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Selected Posts
- 10 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
- Cycling, Negativity and How to enjoy the bike
- Cycling Stats
- 10 Reasons to Love Cyclists
- Cycling Facts
- Cycling and the Law
- Cycling Highlights
- Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
- Cycle Paths
- Best Commuting Bike
- Effective Ways to Encourage Cycle Use
- Defensive Cycling
- What Kind of Cyclist are you?
- Fellow cyclists
- Cycling in England
- Training for Cyclo Sportives
- 25 Mile Time Trials
- Cycling Nutrition