Previously on, I may have given the impression that indoor turbo training is a form of cruel and inhuman punishment only suited to someone with a worrying obsession with cycle fitness. I’d now like to place on record that with rollers this is completely untrue and rollers are the best cycling invention since John […]

Double Puncture Troubles + weekly mileage
I took three days off the bike to visit Paris over the weekend. When you get out of the habit of cycling, it’s tempting to take a few more days off. But, although it was windy and grey – the long-term weather forecast suggested freezing temperatures on the way, so I thought I’d take the […]

Archive black and white cycling photos
A selection of classic black and white cycling photos from collections which are in the public domain. I found many of these searching Flickr Commons. Cycling up the Col d’Aubisque – Back in the days before the invention of tarmac. Sheep Shearer on the move Which way to school? A Wheely good way to become […]

The Miraculous Powers of the Media Cycle Helmet
Have you ever observed how media reports indicate the prominence of whether the cyclist in question was wearing a helmet? I couldn’t resist quoting this short extract from Cycling Weekly this week. Small section in Dr Hutch’s column Great Cycling Inventions 2012 – The Bicycle Helmet as specified by the media. “There are two sorts […]

The Odd Science of Cycling
Interesting article and video here at the Guardian [link]. A guy with Parkinsons lost the ability to walk, but he could still ride a bicycle . The explanation is something to do with something how the brain functions. It made me think of a slightly tangential point about how cycling can make you feel like […]

Bradley Wiggins: My Time
Bradley Wiggins – My Time - at Amazon £9.00 I was reading this in Blackwells this morning. It felt like I was reading some recent newspapers as I’d heard Bradley say a lot of this stuff recently. However, it’s all pretty good and nice to have it all together. It’s not often you get to […]

Plans to Raise Speed of Lorries on Single Carriageways
If there’s one thing no cyclists enjoys – it’s being overtaken by a lorry on a single carriageway. It’s quite intimidating when a huge lorry speeds past too close for comfort. However, if lorries are obeying the speed limit and give you plenty of room, it feels a lot better. Yesterday, I found myself on […]

Have You Ever Been Knocked off the Bike?
According to a recent survey 1/3 of all cyclists have been knocked off their bike by other road users. In London, this rate rises to 42% - the lowest proportion is in Wales, at just 25%. (Road CC) I have been knocked off my bike twice by pedestrians. Fortunately, neither was serious. The first occasion […]

Winter Mileage Club
I’ve decided to start a winter mileage target plan. – 7,000 km by the end of February 2013. About 400km per week. That would be a lot of miles. And unless the weather stays as nice as in the past two weeks, it’s quite unlikely. But, having a target is something nice to aim for. More […]

How Dangerous is Cycling?
Cycling is often perceived as a dangerous activity and this is often a big factor that discourages people from cycling. The potential dangers of cycling are highly visible and road users can feel vulnerable when facing fast moving traffic on both urban and rural roads. However, despite some fears about dangers of cycling, it is […]

Review of 2012 Cycling Season
2012 has been an interesting year. Near hypothermia during a snowstorm in March. A couple of classic time trials in April. A blood clot in May and a heart scare in July. In summer, a 31.5mph ride in a 10 mile TT, some epic Lake District hill rides and a memorable preview of the Olympic […]
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I only post new blogs at December 2, 2013
results from today October 27, 2013
Cycling uphill September 27, 2013
Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Selected Posts
- 10 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
- Cycling, Negativity and How to enjoy the bike
- Cycling Stats
- 10 Reasons to Love Cyclists
- Cycling Facts
- Cycling and the Law
- Cycling Highlights
- Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
- Cycle Paths
- Best Commuting Bike
- Effective Ways to Encourage Cycle Use
- Defensive Cycling
- What Kind of Cyclist are you?
- Fellow cyclists
- Cycling in England
- Training for Cyclo Sportives
- 25 Mile Time Trials
- Cycling Nutrition