The Dominance of the Car

Cycling Oxford Magdalen Roundabout

I’m writing an economics revision guide on transport so am finding some statistics from UK ONS.

modes of transport

Others include air, cycling, motorbikes

Cost of Motoring


Since 1985, the cost of public transport has been increasing faster than overall motoring costs. I believe in the 1960s and 1970s, the real cost of motoring fell (unfortunately I can’t access stats I saw recently). Combined with an extensive road building programme, it was hardly surprising there was a growth in car use.

Interestingly, there was a similar boom in car use in Netherlands. But, they decided there were good reasons to reverse trend and promote ‘others’ See: Cycle Rates by Country

Source of stats, ONS Social Trends 40



2 Responses to The Dominance of the Car

  1. David March 11, 2011 at 2:14 pm #

    Motorists whinging about fuel price rises have actually done quite well:


  1. Cycling Stats in Britain | Cycling UK - April 25, 2011

    [...] From the ONS Social Trends 40, 2010, Dominance of the car [...]

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