Benefits of Cycling Bells

For a town bike a bell is an essential accessory. Although, I’m not keen on cycling bells being made a legal requirement for all bikes. I think any commuter should look upon a bell as an indispensable part of commuting.

Benefits of Bells.

  1. Pedestrians get used to hearing car noise. They forget that cyclists may come upon them quietly.
  2. Warn potential cyclists / pedestrians on a blind corner.
  3. Use a bell to warn pedestrians who may come from behind parked cars.
  4. Warn other cyclists who may turn without looking behind.
  5. Useful for when cycling on a narrow cycling path and requesting people move to the side. If you shout at people, they will get offended. A gentle ringing of the bell will make them more receptive to moving out of the way. I commute to work on a bike path by the River Thames in Oxford and it would be impossible without having a bell.

Note: I prefer the metal bells, plastic bells often sound a bit feeble.
Cycling Bells at Probike Kit

3 Responses to Benefits of Cycling Bells

  1. Dan H May 15, 2008 at 5:47 pm #

    I must say, I have completely the opposite opinion of bells. I don’t think they’re much use at all, and I wrote as much on my blog at

  2. tejvan May 15, 2008 at 1:52 pm #

    sometimes when I’m on my road bike (as opposed to commuter bike) I say ‘ding a ling’ and do a very poor impression of a bell.

  3. thePig May 15, 2008 at 1:43 pm #

    I have to admit that whenever I have purchased a bike within minutes of getting it home, the bell, the reflectors and the chain protector are all gone. This has more to do with apperances rather than considering their practical value.

    If I rode more frequently through a crowded area I can see that I would need to get a bell. I do most of my cycling with my wife and when to do occassionally encounter pedestrians our general approach is to talk to each other loudly, or cough, as we are approaching them. It seems to have the desired effect without being rude.

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