Criminals Can Pedal Their Way to Freedom

Yesterday I suggested bankers, guilty of interest rate fixing, should be made to pedal around a velodrome in London so that we can decide whether they are worthy of their £20million bonuses. Well, here’s a great idea from Brazil. Inmates are allowed a day off their sentence for every 16 hours they spend pedalling an indoor bicycle.

The bicycles power battery’s which help to light street lights. Society benefits from a bit more electricity. Criminals are given are a small incentive to do something constructive and develop discipline.

Execrise is surely a bit better for helping to reform criminals than dwelling in a prison cell.

There is also the principle of paying something back and achieving something.

Yesterday, we found bicycles were going to rescue the Bank of England from financial crisis. Today, bicycles are powering Brazilian street lights and reforming criminals. What next? People will be using bicycles to commute work

source: IO9

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