Original Highway Code for Cyclists

The first Highway code was published in 1931. It produced sound advice, some of which is still in use today. It also gave cyclists the advice to:

‘Do Not wobble about the road but ride as steadily as possible.’

These days, they say if you dress up as an old lady and wobble around the road, motorists will give you more space… (It’s only a cyclist…)

It was said that in 1931, the country was blighted with fatal road accidents. With only 2 million cars on the road, there were approximately 7,300 road fatalities. (today there are 20 million cars, and approx 2,000 annual fatalities)



The first driving test would not be introduced until 1935, but the Highway code was first published in 1931 to address the issues of road safety.

Advice for Pedal Cyclists



‘Do Not wobble about the road but ride as steadily as possible.’


Respect the rights of pedestrians. Aged or infirm people and young children and those in charge of them call for your special courtesy.

When passing or overtaking pedestrians or animals give them plenty of room.

Special Duties Towards Cyclists

Duties to cyclists

Duties to cyclists

‘When passing or overtaking pedestrians, cyclists or animals give them plenty of room. If the roads are wet or muddy try to avoid splashing them.” – still good advice 80 years later.

Early Highway Code Signs


HIghway code signs from 1946

HIghway code signs from 1946. Not sure about the symbol for a school

Hand Signals


Hand signals-1946-Code

Can’t say I’ve ever seen some one signal left in the car.


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