Old Man smiling
In Oxfordshire, roads have become obstacle courses, with many roads narrowed to allow just one car past at a time. These are really irritating, as they could have been easily designed to allow bikes to go along a path on the left. It means someone has to wait – either I wait for car or the car waits for me.
Last week, it was raining hard, the road was slippery and I was focused on getting home. As I cycled over a narrow road hump, a driver shouted sarcastically ‘thanks’. He was probably annoyed I didn’t acknowledge his decision to let me go first. I know how the motorists feels, if you give way to someone it is nice to be acknowledged by the other who benefits.
But, from a practical point of view, I could hardly take a hand of the handlebar to acknowledge him. If I tired to negotiate a road hump in the torrential rain with one hand, I would have probably fallen off.
A week later when I’d forgotten about this, I was racing up a hill in Brill with a few parked cars on the side of the road. The car could have squeezed past (like 90% would have done). But, the driver was very patient and waited behind the parked cars to let me up the hill. When your training hard you appreciate this kind of considerate driving. I was too wasted after a hard interval session to acknowledge with my hand. So I just managed a feeble smile. The driver must have seen the smile amidst my grimace of oxygen debt as she smiled back.
It’s funny how little things can mean such a lot. Sometimes we feel it is a battle against other road users; but, just a few small things like this can make using the roads much more enjoyable.
Now, all we need to do is justĀ change human nature so every road user is self giving, patient and considerate of others …
I used to motorcycle, so the obvious solution is to nod your head (or smile as you did later).
Couldn’t agree more withe the above comments.
Here in Cornwall I spend most of any ride apparently flogging up hill, and it is really nice when a car coming down a narrow lane waits at a wide spot, or a car behind me stays behind me until it is safe and sensible to go past – so much better than the impatient types who rush past (in either direction) two inches off your shoulder!
Thank you to all those considerate motorists who make cycling safer and more fun – I only hope there are plenty of cyclists who are equally considerate!