A Typical British Cycle lane video

A short journey from British Cycling on Vimeo.

A typical ‘British’ cycle lane.

I probably wouldn’t use the cycle lane that takes you away from the road. I don’t see how it’s safer to have to cross two lanes and rejoin a major carriageway.


5 Responses to A Typical British Cycle lane video

  1. RadWagon February 21, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    I’ve recently put together a webpage & tool that comprises of video-embedded KML maps (so it works in Google Earth and Maps) showing the road contitions in Cambridge. This will continue to grow as clips get added.


    If people have ideas on more and better functionality, I’m listening!

  2. Tony D February 19, 2013 at 3:09 pm #

    I often wonder why when a local council puts in a cycleway which is away from the road, everybody applauds them as being a good example of a ‘green’ council, yet the roads get gritted to make it safer for the motorist, but the cycleway remains untreated. Does that really encourage the use of cycling/walking. Is it really ‘green’ or does it just meet a target for having so much cycleway. Sorry to be cynical but cycleways just seem to me to be politically correct!

  3. jonn February 13, 2013 at 9:51 pm #

    would appear better than negotiating a busy roundabout.

    • Luke February 15, 2013 at 9:56 am #


    • RadWagon February 21, 2013 at 10:56 am #

      There are more choices than the two you suggest. It’s not just sidelined, treated like a second class travelling citizen or being thrown into fast moving heavy traffic!

      Why not have a look at what they do across northern Europe in terms of cycling provision? That’s what British Cycling and Chris Boardman are getting at here!

      Roundabouts, especially out of town ones, have plenty of space to do things much, much better and have great ways of prioritizing people cycling and walking over people driving.

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