By a quirk of fate, I spend quite a bit of time in a suburbs of Queens, New York. Queens New York has many good things going for it; it is a vibrant, tolerant and accepting place. But, for cyclists, let us just say – it is the opposite of Amsterdam. Quite a few people […]

Pashley Bicycles
Rather neat Pashleys parked outside New College, Oxford. It is alled New college because it was ‘new’ in 1143 and now claims to be the oldest ‘new’ college in the world. Do not park on double yellow lines – unless it’s a bicycle By the sounds of the conversation, it looks like the […]

Cycling and Simplicity
One of the attractions of cycling is its inherent simplicity. As is often remarked, the basic shape and frame of the bicycle has remained unaltered since the first ‘safety bicycles’ of the 1870s. Cycling is big business (one of biggest sports in world) so we have a whole industry catering to offering technological […]

Off to New York
I’m taking a short break from the warm and sunny climes of England to travel to New York. I won’t be taking a bike, though I do have a trusty 1981 Trek road bike over in US for a bit of training – It’s more battered and dinted than a Robin Reliant left for several […]

The Comparative Cost of Cycling and Motoring
Two things caught my eye recently. The recession in Greece is causing a boom in bike sales and cycle use. An advert for the Nissan leaf promising to do 385 miles to the gallon. This will enable you to run your car for £175 a year as opposed to £1,200 a year. Firstly, the experience […]

A Bizarre Mechanical Problem
Cycling up Kirkstone Pass Last Sunday, I felt a loud clunking of the gears. Involuntarily I found the only gear to work to be the lowest – the 28 sprocket, but it was much noiser than usual. Thankfully, I didn’t mind being in the 28 sprocket, if it had been any other gear, I might […]

V718 Time Trial and a 10 PB
In my first season of time trials (2004), I managed to do 24.11 for 10 miles, just below 25mph. It was a dream to go under 20 minutes and do a ’19′ – a 30mph ride. At the time, I thought it would be almost unreachable. But, the next season (2005), I took exactly 3 […]

Great Moments of London Olympics 2012
The Olympics was very special on many levels. It feels like the country is different than three weeks ago. Before we had worries, complaints, things going wrong – the usual British grumbles. But, now there is pride in sporting success, but also pride in offering a soulful and enthusiastic Olympics which offered something new and […]

Cycling in Hills of Keighley and Worth Valley
I blame Simon Warren and his 100 greatest climbs. I can’t think of any other reason for finding myself fighting up a 20% gradient on a tough cobbled climb from an industrial estate near Keighley. (Thwaites Brow, #140, 2nd Edition) As a devotee of pro cycling, I’ve always been enamoured of the famous cobbles of […]

Cool Cycle Helmets
In the early days, cycle helmets were like an old fashioned Volvo – they gave a feeling of safety but by abandoning all pretence to style and good looks. It was that kind of safety feature which cried out ‘if you’re that ugly, it must be really safe’. It’s a bit like being made to […]

Trek 7.1 FX Hybrid Bike Review
Trek 7.1 FX is one of Trek’s best selling models. For £350- £375, you get a lot of features for your money which will appeal to a broad spectrum of commuting cyclists. It’s not surprising why it is so popular. For most commuters and newbie cyclists sticking to roads, this bike does pretty much everything […]
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3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
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Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Selected Posts
- 10 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
- Cycling, Negativity and How to enjoy the bike
- Cycling Stats
- 10 Reasons to Love Cyclists
- Cycling Facts
- Cycling and the Law
- Cycling Highlights
- Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
- Cycle Paths
- Best Commuting Bike
- Effective Ways to Encourage Cycle Use
- Defensive Cycling
- What Kind of Cyclist are you?
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- Cycling in England
- Training for Cyclo Sportives
- 25 Mile Time Trials
- Cycling Nutrition