Following on a recent post about road design and space for cyclists, I came across this video where John Snow articulates the case for making cycle provision a legal requirement. John Snow makes a very strong, articulate and common sense case for enforcing road designers to incorporate cycle provision when planning roads. (this makes much […]

Standard v Compact Gears
Readers question: Which is better standard or compact cranks? This was an interesting question because I’ve just bought a rear cassette with a 28 cog on the back, as I was worried cycling in the Lake District with 39*25 would be insufficient. Traditionally, gears on a road bike have a double chain ring of […]

Electronic Bike Tags
As a follow up to the post on – Registering your bicycle, I bought an electronic ImmobiTag and fitted it to my commuting bike. It me cost £14.99 (from and seems good value for what it promises to do. I later found out you can buy it for £10 from Wiggle Firstly, it only […]

GPS and the Joys of Cycling
Yesterday was the end of the academic year, so without any teaching commitments I was able to go for a long ride towards Princes Risborough. I wanted to do the several climbs around the Chiltern ridge such as Whiteleaf ridge, Kop Hill and others. I’ve rarely ridden this roads before, so they were all new […]

Cycling Culture in UK
An interesting report on UK cycling culture from an ESRC funded cycling cultures project, based at the University of East London (UEL) (pdf format) The study investigated cycle use and cycling culture in four UK cities with higher than average cycle use. – Hull, Cambridge, Bristol and Hackney (London) Some of the key findings of […]

Tips for Recovery After Cycle Ride
(advanced recovery position) When we are training hard, we are stretching the muscles. Improvement comes when we allow the muscles to recover and grow stronger. Recovery is equally as important as the stress of training. After a particularly hard cycle ride, it’s tempting to shower, sit on the couch and stuff the closest and most […]

Two Wheels Good
This bike park is always crammed and busy. There are often 15 parked bikes here in the space it takes to park one car. (On the left you will see two empty disabled car parking spaces.) More car parking spaces behind bike rack. On this street, bike parking is pretty limited compared to car parking. […]

F11/10 – 10 Mile Time Trial
Saturday was a 10 mile time trial promoted by Hemel Hempstead CC on a relatively new 10 mile course (F11-10) using the A41 Aston Clifton bypass. The course is quite close to Oxford so I entered. I set a pb of 20.00 Course record: Steve Irwin 18.39 May 2013 The course turned out to be […]

What Should a Cyclist Look Like?
Whilst in hospital with blood clot, I snapped this well meaning poster about cycling in the hospital waiting room (with 4 hour wait, there wasn’t much to do apart from look at this sign.) It’s not the best quality iPhone photo, but it kind of epitomizes the ‘health and safety approach’ to cycling. It was […]

A Dutch Cycling Problem
This video from the Netherlands was made because some cyclists were not happy at this rather awkward obstacle placed on a cycle path. It was implemented because local residents were fed up with scooters speeding on this cycle path. Some Observations from Video. I wish my biggest concern about cycling in Oxford was a few […]

Registering Your Bicycle
In central Oxford, the police recently had a street stand encouraging people to register their bicycle. Unfortunately a high % of bikes recovered by the police never make it back to their owners. This is a shame as a quick registering of the bike would make it much easier to reunite owners with bicycles. The […]
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Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Selected Posts
- 10 Reasons to Take Up Cycling
- Cycling, Negativity and How to enjoy the bike
- Cycling Stats
- 10 Reasons to Love Cyclists
- Cycling Facts
- Cycling and the Law
- Cycling Highlights
- Tips for Commuting by Bicycle
- Cycle Paths
- Best Commuting Bike
- Effective Ways to Encourage Cycle Use
- Defensive Cycling
- What Kind of Cyclist are you?
- Fellow cyclists
- Cycling in England
- Training for Cyclo Sportives
- 25 Mile Time Trials
- Cycling Nutrition