Reading CC 50 Mile TT

With tabloid newspapers talking of Britain being swamped in a mini tropical storm, I was surprised to wake up this morning to a dry, perfectly still day. A little on the cool side for my liking, but hardly a drop of wind and only a drop of rain. That’s how it goes sometime. People kept telling me we had the driest / warmest winter on record, but whenever I raced early season, the race was either cancelled for bad weather or I limped home with mild hypothermia.

howard waller

Howard Waller fast man on a trike negotiates Farnham Roundabout.

Pre 50 Mile TT Preparation

The night before, I had an extra bowl of muesli and set the alarm for 5.00am. (it’s really beautiful on a Sunday morning at 5.00am – although not that beautiful to get me out of bed, unless there is the promise of a suitably long and difficult cycle race.

As the weather was cold, I just took a 600ml bottle with energy drink. Just before the start, I made sure I was well hydrated and I took an isotonic gel. I don’t take any gels during the race.

The first 10 miles were relatively slow – around 22.30 minutes. The slow start was a combination of too early in the morning, no traffic, no warm up and a conscious decision to take the first 20 miles at a steady pace. It’s a only a few weeks since returning to racing so 50 miles was quite a step up. The good news is that I was able to maintain this pace throughout the race. Usually in 50 mile time trials, the second half is slower because I’m too fatigued.

I felt good during the race, if anything I was being too cautious and at around 30 miles tried to up the pace.

My first 25 split was about 55.30. My finish 50 time was 1.51.07. That placed me second, behind George Atkins of Hemel Hempstead. It was OK, because he has done a 19.13 on the F11/10 course this year so he must be going well. He said he weighed 85KGs! I can’t imagine cycling and weighing an extra 23KGs! But, then perhaps I’d have more power. Depends where the weight goes I suppose.

I did take a photo of results board, but in my Zen like efficiency, I deleted it from camera because I didn’t think I’d need it.

Overall I enjoyed race. I could perhaps have gone harder, but equally I could have blown up if I did. Lots of marshalls and observers from Reading CC, very well organised race. Look forward to next 50 mile TT.

5 Responses to Reading CC 50 Mile TT

  1. Doug June 11, 2012 at 7:09 pm #

    That’s an amazing result – even more so as you had a nasty crash followed by a blood clot which put you out of action for a few weeks.

  2. steve June 10, 2012 at 8:21 pm #

    Many congrats, great ride. If you posted about these rides before the event perhaps a faithfull follower could chalk the road!

    • tejvan June 10, 2012 at 9:09 pm #

      Thanks Steve, I’m riding the F11/10 next saturday, though painting my name on the dual carriageway might be a little more tricky than an Alpine pass closed to traffic :)


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