The Joy of Cycling

Old Man smiling

Cycling is an enjoyable activity. I’ve put it as one of the main points in 10 reasons to take up cycling. These photos capture the joy people can get from cycling.



 Smiling for camera



Cycling is sociable.

Having a laugh on the bike



Mike Potts shows his beautiful teeth – after finishing the race. I think this counts as a smile, I’m not quite sure; anyway Mike is probably relieved to have finished the race.

Chris Colemand Maureen Wroe

Finishing a race (from: Classic Time Trial Photos)


Twice the fun on a tandem


Brompton Fun

cycling can be a social activity.


The back tyre may be a bit flat, but, these two are enjoying riding along the High in Oxford.

smile penny

Smile From High

Look Mum, no hands.


This lady had spotted some friends on the other side of the road.


5 Responses to The Joy of Cycling

  1. ken downing November 15, 2011 at 8:10 pm #

    fantastic photo`s, i am away to the loft to find some to post,some i am sure show me with a smile on my face.

  2. velocipede2288 November 27, 2010 at 10:52 am #

    Great photoes. Makes me want to get out on the bike, but the snow is causing me to be more cautious. And stick to the exercise bike for a while.
    You will see me more often than not, whistling when on the bike, cycling just makes me happy.

  3. Ryan September 19, 2009 at 3:11 am #

    You should come to scotland. I can’t get the smile off my face when I am out cycling. Between the awe inspiring scenery, and adrenalin depleting hills, you just cannot ldo anything but love cycling in scotland.

  4. Dave Preece October 7, 2008 at 10:47 am #

    That’s a brave guy on the penny farthing… looks like an original, which makes the steel about 120 years old… with a hub light, ready to fall off and get stuck in the spokes… and, to make things even more dangerous, a radial spoked front wheel.. My replica penny has 4 cross spokes and although I have a hub light I never ride with it fitted, it just doesn’t look safe!


  1. Grey Weather | Cycling UK - November 26, 2010

    [...] Joy of Cycling [...]

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