Readers Question: One of the few subjects I don’t think you’ve covered in the time I’ve been reading your posts is how and when to spend a penny in races! This year I’m training for the UK Ironman and have found myself doing more and longer rides and this has the obvious problem. What do […]

25 Mile Time Trials – Times and Training
The 25 mile time trial is considered the ‘blue ribbon event’ of time trials. It is the event closest to a tour de France time trial and world championship. It is also closest in proximity to the ‘cycling world hour record’ It requires a combination of speed, endurance and tolerance to pain. It is a […]

Interval Sessions Bike
Interval training sessions are designed to push you out of your comfort zone and enable an increase in power. There are different types of intervals ranging from all out efforts, to ‘pyramid intervals’ with progressive overload. But, the general aim is to stretch your capacity and acclimatise your body for riding at higher intensity. A […]

Breaking Evens for 10 Mile TT
Readers Question: I’m a 56 year old, 14 and half stone 5ft 8in bloke who has been messing about on bikes for the last year or so but have got more into it since buying a Cube Road bike in Feb this year. So far I have ridden just over 2000km this year and have […]

Cycling and Jet Lag
Cycling on New York Greenway Readers Question: How do you manage your training in spite of the jet lag coming home, and do you have any general advice for cycling and jet lag in general? I travel to New York about three times of the year (April, August, October). Usually this is in the middle […]

Food Before and During Cycling
There are numerous theories about optimal nutrition for cycle training. If you read all the conflicting reports and theories it can leave your head spinning. However, away from all the theories, I think the best advice is to follow basic common sense. Eating Pre Training. Before a training ride, I try to leave a gap […]

Stretching Exercises for Cycling
Stretching will not make you go faster, however it will contribute to your flexibility. Greater flexibility will make a contribution to your overall ability as a cyclist. It is even more desirable to do stretching if you are a BMX or MTB rider, as greater flexibility helps cope with the falls and tumbles you are […]
Speed on Flat and Hills
Readers Question: i have a query, you seem like the best person to answer it: as a relatively quick hillclimber, how can i convert my climbing speed to flatter events? i managed 24th at Dovers, but when it comes to tens, i’m an also-ran. does it have to be like this? you seem to have […]

Stop Start Training
Not a recent photo!. As a reader mentioned, sometimes it’s just nice to see photos from the height of summer, when we can ride in short sleeves and shorts. This winter, my training has been a bit stop-start. I’ve rarely managed two consecutive days of training, mostly managing to get out three times a week. […]

Off Season Training
To make a much repeated observation around these parts – it’s cold, and with many layers of snow. On Monday morning it reached – 17 degrees in Oxford. After spending a week off the bike, apart from one short perfunctory training session on the turbo, I felt slightly concerned about my lack of training. In […]

Tough Cycle Rides
Sometimes, you are just really relieved to get back from a bike ride. You start counting off every junction and hilltop, reducing distance to home. With the temperature rarely rising above freezing in past few weeks, I went out on Saturday, when I saw temp rise to a heady 2 degrees. I had hot pads […]
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- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...
Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
I only post new blogs at December 2, 2013
results from today October 27, 2013
Cycling uphill September 27, 2013
Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013