Cycle lane protected from road offers solution to congestion and a safe place to cycle. No wonder it is popular with cyclists The road over Iffley Bridge cycle lanes Complete guide to cycle paths

Letting go of small road transgressions
One aspect of sharing the road is that we come across numerous occasions of other road users being inconsiderate / breaking the law / highway code. When you’re cycling along trying to get home in one piece, the letter of the law doesn’t matter so much. What really counts is – do you feel […]

19.02 for a 10
Saturday was the Bridlington CC 10 mile TT on the V718. The V718 is probably one of fastest courses in the UK. With a good bit of form at the moment, I was hoping to get a ’18′. Last year I did a 19.07. Last time I raced, I went wrong on the course. This […]

12 and 1/2 reasons to enter a hill climb
It’s nearly the time of the year, when the hill climb whippets start getting excited as there are finally some races which just go up and up. All cyclists have a love-hate relationship with hills. It means pain and suffering, but there is also something ‘deeply’ satisfying (or should I say strangely satisfying) about challenging […]

Cycling in hills of Lake District
Once a year I like to try and go to cycle around the hills of the Lake District. Recently, I was up in Keswick for the national 100 mile time trial championship, but it’s not the same going up and down a flat A road. For me the Lakes mean Wrynose pass, Kirkstone pass and […]

Kask Bambino TT helmet review
The Kask Bambino helmet is an expensive aero helmet. Despite its price (£299) it has become quite popular, probably because of its use by Sky procycling team. The logic is that Sky must have spent quite a bit of money on wind tunnel tests. If it’s good enough for the likes of Froome and Wiggins, […]

After a rare weekend off racing last week, this Saturday was a 50 mile TT on the A50/6 Etwall course. I’d never done this course before, but it has a reputation for being fast. Before riding a course, I like to buy an OS Map of the area and try and memorise the route (I […]

My Cool Bike – review
My Cool Bike ‘An inspirational guide to bikes and bike culture‘ is a nice coffee book table with lots of diverse pictures of cyclists and bicycles. If will appeal to those who like the more ‘trendy’ ‘cool’ aspect of cycling. A celebration of ‘cycle chic’ The pictures and photos are probably the main attraction, and […]

Cheap inner tubes
After a double puncture, I bought a new spare inner tube from a local bike shop. It was £5.95. I saw this offer of £18.99 for 10 inner tubes, so I bought. They arrived in one day, and they just come in small plastic bag with no label. I haven’t actually used in a wheel […]

Things I wouldn’t miss if I stopped cycling
Things I wouldn’t miss if I stopped cycling. The difficult in walking down stairs after a particularly long training ride. I’ve sometimes wondered if it wouldn’t be easier just to slide down on my backside, and only slightly less dignified. Or perhaps the way forward is the ‘Stena stairlift for cyclists’. The difficulty I get […]
How not to ride a time trial
Just to prove Chris Froome’s time trials have come on a long way. Nice reminder of Michael Rasmusen’s great example of how not to ride a time trial. I don’t know how he managed to fall superman style into the ditch.
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Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
I only post new blogs at December 2, 2013
results from today October 27, 2013
Cycling uphill September 27, 2013
Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...