Cheshire police have stopped their own policemen riding bikes on the grounds of health and safety. The decision follows an unfortunate accident in which a police officer was killed on duty whilst cycling. However, the decision to stop policemen using bikes has been widely criticised as excessive concerns over health and safety. Other police forces […]
Ghent Cycling Capital of the World?
1. Well if six day event cycling is anything to go by then yes! 2. If being the home to more professional cyclists in the world means anything again yes! 3. Judging by the number of bikes hung from bar windows, sat on roof tops and generally displayed to the fervent Belgian public then again […]
Winter Cycling Mileage 2007
One question which always creates heated debate amongst cyclists is how much should we train? How many miles should we cycle per week. When asked for cycling advice, Fausto Coppi gave this response: ‘ride a bike’ Eddy Merckx was another great believer in cycling long distances. During the winter months he would have at least […]
Nicole Cooke to Lead New Professional Team
Nicole Cooke, one of the leading female professional cyclists, is to lead Britain’s first female professional team. It represents a big development for women’s cycling in the UK. It is indicative in the growth of female professional cycling. As Nicole Cooke points out the number of professional teams has increased from 24 to 41. She […]

Tips for Cycling Around Town
Cycling around Oxford with style 1. Bell. A good bell is indispensable for warning pedestrians about your presence. Once you have a bell, you will wonder how you ever managed without one. The problem is that most pedestrians are used to hearing traffic and so they don’t bother to look. If you shout at a […]
2007 Cycling Doping Scandals
2007 has been another torrid year for professional cycling. Doping scandals have continued to engulf the sport, with many of the top riders being embroiled in a seemingly endless series of scandals. The Tour de France was overshadowed by the race leader Michael Rasmussen being withdrawn on the suspicion of lying about his wheareabouts. Other […]
Michael Rasmussen lies about Tour de France
Michael Rasmussen has admitted that he lied about his whereabouts before the Tour de France. Anti doping officials are able to carry out random doping tests out of competition. They could not find Michael Rasmussen in Europe, where he said he was. In fact he was in Mexico. Michael Rasmussen said it was for ‘personal […]
Cycling Training Schedule 2008
Targets Keep riding throughout the year. Race every fortnight National Championships: 10 Miles, 25 Miles and National Hill Climb Train 4-5 times a week from January 1st onwards. January and February Base Training. Some rides at 18mph upto 80% HR March start moderate time trial interval sessions. Effort level similar or just above race level. […]
Welcome to Cycling Info
Cycling info is a site dedicated to giving information about er.. cycling. I hope to update it with lots of interesting cycling articles. I will be focusing on: Training Latest cycling gear and equipment UK Cycling The odd UCI professional race Anything about cycling that interests me. ~ Tejvan Pettinger Sri Chinmoy Cycling Team
Stupid Things People Say about Cyclists
Any cyclist will, at some stage, have suffered being labelled pejoratively as one of ‘those irresponsible lycra lights’ Why is it assumed by many, that somehow people who ride bikes are one uniform group. If one cyclists behaves irresponsibly why is it assumed all people who ride bikes must behave the same? Yet, if a […]
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Cycling in Oxford Photos July 31, 2012
Classic Time Trial Photos July 22, 2008
Best Puncture Proof Tyres June 8, 2011
Hill Climbs September 12, 2011
Cycling Rates by Country March 30, 2009
I only post new blogs at December 2, 2013
results from today October 27, 2013
Cycling uphill September 27, 2013
Cat & Fiddle hill climb 2013 September 22, 2013
3 days rest works quite well September 17, 2013
- Why Would You Want an Electric Bike?: […] according to Cycling Info bike usage in ...
Lars: I don't see how forcing cars to spend more time i...
Carlo: There is a messenger bag that's also a pannier ba...
Graham Wilkinson: Thanks for the article. I have cycled for many...
Laura: Agreed: slow down! Having fallen off my bike sever...